We made it to CHICAGO! My team is staying in a third story walk up in Little India (north of downtown Chicago). This week we received some disciple-making training from Park Community Church. We practiced sharing our personal stories of how God has worked through us, prayer walked around our neighborhood, and began building relationships with store owners around our apartment.
This week I met a manager of a local market while shopping with my teammate. We will call him C to respect his privacy. C has been living in Chicago for almost 34 years. He moved to Chicago from Jordan when he was 19 years old. He is full of world experience and can speak Spanish, Arabic, and English fluently. As we got to know C, he began to share about his faith. He shared how he was tolerant of all religions and believes that many different religions will all lead to the same God. He is confident that if one is simply good enough and chooses to be generous with what they are given, then one can earn their right into heaven. He believes that Jesus came to set us on the right track and simply show us how to live well – not to save us from our sins through faith in Him. Hearing C share his life full of good works broke my heart. Unfortunately, there are many people who have a twisted understanding of Jesus and the hope he brings. There are many trying to earn their place in heaven rather than relying on faith in Jesus to wash them clean. C was not ready to change his ideals this week, but please join me in praying that the Lord would soften his heart and lead him into an intimate relationship with Jesus.
This week my team also wrote encouragements to each other. We took turns writing/drawing what the Lord laid on our heart for each other. It is so cool to see how the Lord speaks to us through one another. One of my notes said, “Growth is sticky, thank you for doing it anyway.” Recently, the Lord has been teaching me that he often calls us to do hard things. He wants to use us, stretch us, and GROW us for His glory. Unfortunately, in the past, I often choose the comfortable path. The one that doesn’t require risk or growth or challenge – but God has been showing me the true beauty in doing hard things for Him. He has been stretching me to look more like Jesus. He has been challenging me to trust Him in new ways. He has been pushing me outside of my comfort zone so that I can love others better. I am definitely still working on this lesson, but I still wanted to share this nugget of wisdom with you. Growth is sticky. But growing more into the likeness of Christ is worth it.
Thanks for sharing. I will join you in praying for C and others I know who feel the same way. Love you!
Annie! I love hearing your heart for the lost. I am so thankful God brought you here to do the uncomfy things!